MIPPIA Privacy Policy

MIPPIA Ltd. ("the Company") is committed to safeguarding the personal information of users engaging with the MIPPIA service and its associated services (hereafter referred to as "the Service"), in line with applicable laws. This Privacy Policy outlines the purposes for which we process personal information:

1. Purposes of Personal Information Processing

The Company processes personal information for the following purposes:

  1. Service Delivery: We process personal information for identity verification, registration intent confirmation, service provision, issuance of plagiarism check results, and for the development of our services.
  2. Handling Inquiries: We handle personal information for verifying inquiries such as access to personal information, corrections/deletions, and suspension requests, and for contacting and notifying regarding the investigation and its outcomes.
  3. Marketing and Advertising: We use personal information to deliver customized advertisements, provide information on events and promotional activities, and offer participation opportunities.
  4. Service Improvement and Development: Personal information is used to enhance existing services and develop new, tailored services.
  5. Provision of Paid Services: We process personal information for payment and settlement purposes related to the use of paid services.

2. Personal Information Collection and Methods

To offer and enhance our services, we collect personal information as follows:

Data CollectedPurpose of Use
Email, Nickname, Name(Essential)For identity verification and membership management
Service Content: Uploaded files, LinksFor service provision and development
Contactable Email Address, Name, Mobile Phone Number(Optional)For marketing purposes like event notifications and newsletters
IP Address, Cookies, Access Logs, Visit Time, Service Usage RecordsFor service provision
Payment Info: Card Issuer Name, Card Number, Email, Date of Birth, Business Registration Number, Account Holder's Name, Account Number, Bank Name, Mobile Phone Number, and Carrier InformationFor processing payments

The collection occurs through:

We ensure to inform users and obtain their consent before collecting personal information.

  1. Direct input of information by users during registration and service use.
  2. Interactions with our customer service via email or phone.
  3. Participation in events or activities, both online and offline, where we collect information with separate consent for marketing purposes.

3. Personal Information Processing and Retention Period

  1. The Company processes and retains personal information within the period specified by law or agreed upon by the user.
  2. Personal information is promptly destroyed once its purpose is fulfilled. This includes automatic destruction upon a member's service withdrawal or loss of eligibility, without needing a separate request.
  1. If there are ongoing investigations due to legal violations, the information is retained until the end of those investigations.
  2. Information related to unresolved financial obligations from service use is retained until these obligations are settled.
  3. Information may be retained to prevent fraudulent re-registration and misuse of services, according to the terms of service.
  4. Certain information must be retained for a period specified by laws such as commercial law and consumer protection in e-commerce laws.

4-1 Information related to service use (log records) is retained for 3 months as per the "Protection Of Communications Secrets Act".

4-2 Records related to contracts or subscription withdrawals, and supply of goods are retained for 5 years as per the "Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce".

4-3 Records on consumer complaints or dispute resolution are retained for 3 years as per the "Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce".

4-4 Records on advertising display are kept for 6 months under the "Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce".

4-5 All transaction records and supporting documents as required by tax law are retained for 5 years in accordance with the "The Basic Law for National Taxes".

4. Disclosure of Personal Information

The Company uses members' personal information within the scope disclosed at the time of collection and does not exceed this scope without prior consent from the member.

  1. Principally, we do not disclose personal information to external parties unless required by law. An exception is made when legal authorities request information for investigative purposes, following the procedures and methods defined by law.

5. Entrusting the Processing of Personal Information

The Company entrusts personal information for service improvement and big data analysis. This includes:

  1. Google Analytics and Amplitude for big data insights.

6. Destruction of Personal Information

When the purpose for collecting and using personal information has been achieved, it is promptly destroyed. The process and method are as follows:

  1. Destruction Process: The Company selects the personal information due for destruction and proceeds with deletion after approval from the personal information protection officer. If personal information must be retained due to other legal requirements despite the expiry of the consented retention period or achievement of the processing purpose, it is transferred to a separate database (DB) or stored differently.
  2. Destruction Method: Electronic records are destroyed using methods that prevent data recovery. Physical records are shredded or incinerated.

7. Rights and Duties of the Data Subject and Legal Representative

  1. Data subjects have the right to exercise the following personal information protection rights at any time:

    1-1) Request to view personal information

    1-2) Request correction in case of errors

    1-3) Request deletion

    1-4) Request to stop processing

  2. The exercise of rights mentioned in 1) can be done through written documents, phone calls, emails, FAX, etc., and the Company will take immediate action.
  3. The rights mentioned in 1) can be exercised through a legal representative or an agent authorized by the data subject. In such cases, a power of attorney must be submitted to verify the agent's authority.
  4. Data subjects must not violate personal information protection laws or any other related laws by infringing on their own or others' personal information and privacy.

8. Measures to Ensure the Security of Personal Information

The Company implements appropriate technical, administrative, and physical measures to secure personal information against loss, theft, alteration, or damage, in accordance with Article 29 of the “Personal Information Protection Act.” These include:

  1. Administrative measures: Establishing and executing internal management plans, regular employee training, etc.
  2. Technical measures: Implementing technological solutions to prevent hacking, encrypting personal information, and safeguarding access records to prevent tampering.
  3. Physical measures: Controlling access to server rooms and data storage areas to prevent unauthorized access.

9. Personal Information Protection Officer

The Company is responsible for overseeing all activities related to the processing of personal information and has designated a Personal Information Protection Officer (PIPO) for handling user complaints and damage relief related to personal information processing. The details of the PIPO are as follows:

  1. The details of the PIPO are as follows:

Name: Oh Chan-ho
Position: CEO
Email: och@mippia.com

For reports of personal information breaches or consultations, you can contact the following organizations:
  1. Personal Information Infringement Report Center (privacy.kisa.or.kr)
  2. Supreme Prosecutors' Office Cyber Investigation Department (spo.go.kr)
  3. National Police Agency Cyber Security Bureau (cyberbureau.police.go.kr)

This privacy policy becomes effective as noted in the service documentation.
The revision date of the privacy policy is 2024.02.22.